Saul Lopez


“The devil finds work for idle hands” has been quoted and used by many as a warning, but this is not an original thought. God has spoken many times through scripture about idleness, stagnation, and apathy. The Books of 1st and 2nd Timothy are letters written by Paul to Timothy; they are a road map of what a good and faithful servant look like. God commands us to be diligent in the work of spreading the gospel and righteous followers of Jesus Christ. He has given us gifts to utilize in the advancement of spreading the gospel here on earth. These gifts are not meant to be buried like the servant who was given one talent (Matthew 25:18; ESV “But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s money.”) but to be used as a mighty tool for the Kingdom of Heaven. 2 Timothy 1:14; ESV says, “By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.”What has God placed in you and how are you maximizing your gift(s) to benefit others? Our goal in eternity is to hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” Let’s not grow weary in doing good.



Deep spiritual wounds are often left untreated because we ignore or stray away from them. In order to truly heal, you have to dig deep and surrender it to Christ.

Wounded Read More »


In 15 days the Remnant are gathering. We’ve got a big Remnant Night planned for November with some big announcements on the way. Mark it in your calendar, get it off work, join the Remnant. 11.7.23 at 7 pm [The Hangout at 6:30pm]


The Real Test

When you follow the world, you won’t be your authentic self but a false version. Are you working towards who God called you to be instead of what the world says you should be?

The Real Test Read More »

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