Be A Defender

Men were made to contend. The truth is that what the enemy means to destroy, men are meant to defend. Here are 3 lessons we can learn from Abashai in 2 Samuel 16:5-13.

I. Defend Your Friends

Everyone needs an Abashai. Proverbs 17:17 says “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Defend your friends and have friends who defend you.

II. Defend Your Family

Pray more blessings over your children than the enemy shouts curses. Do not let the world proclaim your child’s identity. Fathers must become a fortress in their homes. Watch what your kids watch, check the spirit, and go with your gut. Men protect their marriage. The greatest gift you can give to your kids is being faithful to your spouse.

III. Defend The Faith

If the enemy can steal your faith he can steal your future. You must determine your faith will be your foundation. The greatest inheritance you can pass on to your legacy is your faith. 1Tim 6:12 “Fight the good fight of the faith.” You’ve got to fight to defend your faith.

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