

The Remnant Wilderness Retreat is happening in just 6 days. So many of you have already registered and we’re going with a large group! We only have 10 spots left. If you haven’t yet, please get your registration in asap and jump in. If you know someone who wants to come.. let them know. This is the final call. We’re almost sold out.: REMNANTMAN.COM/RETREAT [Payment plan option available to those who qualify.]



 “To die daily, then, is to hold this world with a loose hand, and to look upon earthly possessions as fickle joys. To die daily, again, is to test our hope and our experience very solemnly every day. To die daily, it will be necessary that you come every day, just as you did at conversion, to the cross of Christ, as a poor guilty sinner, and rest in him. To die daily the Christian should take care to be always in such a place and state that he should not be ashamed to die therein…. This is no land of the living, but the land of the dying, and this socalled life is but one protracted act of death. This is not our rest, our soul is ever on the wing; like the swallows, we must depart for another land. Life is a long descent to the valley of the shadow of death, it shelves gradually to the precipice, and no man can prevent his feet from sliding down it every hour. We fly like arrows to that common target of mankind — the grave. So that we may all say in the words of the text, “I die daily.” -Spurgeon

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