Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily training is just slightly beneficial, but godliness is beneficial for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. 1 Tim 4:6-7

Everyone desires to be stable in life. No one decides in their heart to be volatile, uncontrolled, and mastered by whatever life brings their way. Yet, many times, men are rocked to and fro by the waves of living, giving into desires and temptations and never finding stability and growth. We all want stability but few pursue it by the right means. How can a man find more stability in his life? It starts with having a strong foundation.

You are only as stable as your foundation.

In the same way, a structure’s stability is dependent upon its foundation, so our stability in life is dependent upon our foundation. Stability starts with a strong foundation. A faulty foundation can collapse but a strong foundation will keep you steady through any storm life throws at you. What do we mean by the foundation of your life? There is no greater foundation in life than Jesus Christ….Christ and our faith in Him is a strong solid foundation. Psalm 62 says, “Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”

Is your faith strong? Is it growing and increasing or is it stagnant and weakening? Faith that is not engaged daily will die over time. This is why spiritual disciplines are so vital in the life of a Jesus follower. Spiritual Disciplines will strengthen your faith thereby strengthening your foundation.

What are the Spiritual Disciplines?

Well the truth is there are many, but in the book Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster, he maps out 12 of them as follows:

After reviewing the spiritual disciplines we’ve listed, which of them do you feel you want to increase in? I encourage you to identify 2-3 disciplines that you want to better implement into your life and begin today. The way to a strong foundation is found in our daily spiritual disciplines and as our faith increases so does our stability in life.

How’s your foundation?

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