[App Post Submission From a Remnant Man] /// “Simon, watching Jesus being beaten, denied him 3 times. He was accused of being one of his followers. In fear of receiving the same treatment, he denied the very man who was soon going to die for him. In Acts chapter 5, during the rise of the early church, the disciples were arrested after defying the order to stop preaching the name of Jesus. Here we find Peter accused once again, yet this time he stands firm, proclaiming, “We must obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29) Peter and the apostles are released, but not before being beaten by their accusers. And in verse 41, it says, “Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name.” The same treatment that previously drove Peter to denial now drove him to rejoice. Men CAN change and leave weakness behind for the strength of the Holy Spirit. Your story isn’t written in vain. God will bring you full circle.”