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Great video – This is what leadership looks like. ||||| “A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.”
On this episode we breakdown the book Wild At Heart by John Eldredge and discuss questions like: What does it mean to be a man? How do I find my purpose? How can I overcome challenges in my life? How can I become a stronger man? Listen now on Spotify & Apple. [Open the ‘Podcast’ Tab in the App 📲]
Do you exhibit these qualities? We could all grow in our love towards God, our families, spouses, and each other. Take a moment…ask the Holy Spirit, “Where could I grow in my love?”
You cannot have two masters. Choose to serve God and refuse to serve money. How do you smash the idol of money that so many men worship? #1 Give and give sacrificially. #2 Go minimal don’t store treasures on Earth. #3 Know that God is your source.