Holiness is a process that starts with conviction. #firstStep
Checkout our new podcast episode, the Remnant Book Breakdown, where we take a deeper look into our book of the month ‘The Normal Christian Life’ by Watchman Nee. This book is an essential classic and it reveals much about our salvation and walk with Jesus. In this episode, I’m sharing some of my favorite passages from the book and some practical applications that will help and challenge men. This is one of those books that will get you thinking and will test foundational elements of your faith. If you haven’t read it, I’m sure you will after this. Everything you need: REMNANTMAN.COM
You’ve got to be honest to grow. Admit faults and weaknesses…desire growth and change. It hurts but it’s worth it. Read the blog ‘Lead Thyself’ for more..Click the button below.
Becoming a reader is a lot like becoming a runner. You’ve got to train your mind. #alwaysLearning
A good mother recognizes what’s in her child before anyone else, and nurtures it into fruition. #honorYourMother
The problem is that we avoid. We avoid problems in our lives by pretending they are not there. We sweep things under the rug. We ignore obvious signs of danger and difficulty. Many disregard problems due to a fear of confrontation. We allow things to poison our minds, marriages, and effectiveness in life. Learn to deal with things…Learn to confront yourself, your problems, and your future. If you avoid…we promise…it will get more difficult to deal with in the future. Do not avoid difficulty. Confront it. Do it now. Do something.