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New post on the blog on how to test yourself – a spiritual check-up…Check it out, like it, and leave a comment.
New Blog: EXAMINE THYSELF Read More »
Take a moment…think about this..then act on it.
Don’t give up…Get up. Keep fighting. If you’re facing opposition it’s because you are doing something right.
“There is a trauma wound affecting more people than drugs or alcohol combined. It cuts deeper than flesh and bone, and works it’s way to the soul. It affects both the rich and poor alike without prejudice. It is the father wound, and it leaves a wake of destruction in its path more devastating than any natural disaster.” Men must be healed and delivered from this wound. How does one do that? “The first step to healing is to believe you are a child of God, with a Father who will never leave, nor forsake you. Now it is time to invite Him into the wound that is festering within your spirit. 1 Peter 2:24 tells us, “for by His wounds you were healed,” and while Peter’s reference here is towards spiritual healing and salvation, it goes much deeper than that. The Greek word for “you were healed,” is iaomai, which means not only to cure and to heal, but also to make whole. God desires to make you whole. You just have to let Him. The next step is to forgive your father, so that healing can continue. Nelson Mandela said, “When a deep injury is done to us, we never heal until we forgive.” The longer you hold on to unforgiveness, the longer the pain will control your life. They say holding onto unforgiveness/bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. When you forgive your father for his negligence, abuse, abandonment, or any other wound he created, you are exemplifying the God’s forgiveness to us. God forgave us of every wretched thing we have done, and continue to do. As you are changed into His likeness, share that same forgiveness with your father. Even if you never get the opportunity to say it to him personally, forgive him. Determine in your mind and heart you have forgiven him so you can heal.” -Dr. Passini
Responsibility keeps you steady in life. Get off the rollercoaster of ‘high highs and low lows’ and pick up some weight to find stability.
“Year by year more men are almost scared of responsibility and because of that they feel lost, they feel like they have nothing to strive for which is deadening for a man.”