Relationships & Marriage

Don’t Ruin Your Life

“People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord.” (Proverbs 19:3) Men, be careful not to ruin the life God has given you. A foolish man cannot lead himself or a family. We must understand that success is an anomaly. We all want health in our minds, bodies, marriages, families, ministry…you name it. Yet, we see many fail and fall into ruin. Here are 3 things that will ruin your life.


Alcohol, substances, and anything that can impair your mind or emotions leads to ruin. Guard your marriage. Protect your mind. Everything is permissible as Paul stated, but not everything is beneficial.


It is easier to drive on a road with painted lines and guardrails. Boundaries bring safety. Consider the boundaries in all areas of life, with the opposite sex, in your schedule, in your sleep habits, with entertainment (i.e., videogames & tv), with devices (your phone and laptop); you need solid boundaries.


Pride is a closed and hard heart. Pride makes you unreachable. Pride can hear the truth and reject it in conceit. The antidote to pride is the Holy Spirit and His guidance. Be humble or be humbled.

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Fight For Your Marriage

If the enemy can destroy your marriage, he can destroy your life and lineage. Fathers, you must understand that the best gift you can give to your children is to be faithful to your spouse. The Word says in Genesis 2:24, “…A man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Men must ‘hold fast’ to their wives and protect the gift that God has given them. Here are three consistent things you need to have in a healthy marriage:

I. consistent date night

This becomes more difficult with the busy-ness of life and children. Set it, put it on a calendar, and keep it. You’ll remember that you and your spouse are friends and not just parents to your kids. Have fun together. Be spontaneous.


Prioritize intimacy between you and your spouse. Protect the marriage bed. Schedule intimacy with your spouse. You must also understand that intimacy is more than physical, but also verbal and emotional. Have conversations, ask questions, and listen. We’ll say it again…listen. Let your spouse know they can trust you and make them feel safe around you.

III. consistenTly apologize

Forgive immediately. This is easier said than done. It is necessary to a healthy marriage to know and be unashamed of saying, ‘I’m sorry’. Don’t allow pride, unforgiveness, or a root of bitterness to form within your marriage.

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Be A Defender

Men were made to contend. The truth is that what the enemy means to destroy, men are meant to defend. Here are 3 lessons we can learn from Abashai in 2 Samuel 16:5-13.

I. Defend Your Friends

Everyone needs an Abashai. Proverbs 17:17 says “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Defend your friends and have friends who defend you.

II. Defend Your Family

Pray more blessings over your children than the enemy shouts curses. Do not let the world proclaim your child’s identity. Fathers must become a fortress in their homes. Watch what your kids watch, check the spirit, and go with your gut. Men protect their marriage. The greatest gift you can give to your kids is being faithful to your spouse.

III. Defend The Faith

If the enemy can steal your faith he can steal your future. You must determine your faith will be your foundation. The greatest inheritance you can pass on to your legacy is your faith. 1Tim 6:12 “Fight the good fight of the faith.” You’ve got to fight to defend your faith.

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