How can you experience real change in your life? How does breakthrough work? [Visit the Blog section in the App to read the latest blog post BREAKTHROUGH]
New Blog: BREAKTHROUGH Read More »
How can you experience real change in your life? How does breakthrough work? [Visit the Blog section in the App to read the latest blog post BREAKTHROUGH]
New Blog: BREAKTHROUGH Read More »
Over the next 30 days we’ll be posting a ‘Daily Proverb’. Join us as we read The Book of Proverbs over the next month.
Jesus tells his disciples to be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves. What does He mean by innocent? How can a grown man be innocent? The truth is that God created man innocent, sin steals our innocence, but Jesus can restore our innocence. Listen and learn. [Open the ‘Podcast’ Tab]
When you follow the world, you won’t be your authentic self but a false version. Are you working towards who God called you to be instead of what the world says you should be?
When we accept the yoke from Jesus, it’s tailored and made specifically for us. Regardless of where you are headed, he is beside you.
You must surrender everything to Jesus before he can lead you. The question is…will you let him?
Things that happen, When God Leads you Read More »