Spiritual Growth

Men Must Commit

Commitment is crucial. Men must commit in the following three areas…

I. Commit to christ

Be committed to pursuing Christ. Radical dedication to Jesus is the only way. When you commit to Jesus, He commits to you. “I will contend with those who contend with you, and I will save your children.” [Isaiah 49:25 ESV]

II. COMMIT TO strong men

You need other men in your life who you can be radically honest with. You need men who bring truth to your life and not just comfort. Men who will encourage but also challenge you. Choose to be surrounded by and committed to other strong men.

III. commit to your family

Men are the head of the home. Thus, the home is on your head…you are responsible for the condition of your family. Become a skilled leader in your home and succeed there first. Commit to your family or someone else will.

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Few Find Life

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” -Jesus

“A little band of men, the followers of Christ, are separated from the rest of the world. The disciples are few in number, and will always be few. This saying of Jesus forestalls all exaggerated hopes for success. Never let a disciple of Jesus pin his hopes on large numbers. “Few there be…” The rest of the world are many, and will always be many. But they are on the road to perdition (damnation).” [Dietrich Bonhoeffer in The Cost of Discipleship]

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Following Jesus

“If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” -Jesus

“Surprisingly enough, when Jesus begins to unfold this inescapable truth to his disciples, he once more sets them free to choose or reject him. “If any man would come after me,” he says. For it is not a matter of course, not even among the disciples. Nobody can be forced, nobody can even be expected to come. He says rather, “If any man” is prepared to spurn all other offers which come his way in order to follow him. Once again, everything is left for the individual to decide.” [Dietrich Bonhoeffer in The Cost of Discipleship]

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